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Showing posts from 2015

George Boole’s 200th Birthday

  Here’s an easy, yes-or-no question: Is the universe complex? YES, of course, you could say; it would be crazy to think otherwise! But on the other hand, British mathematician   George Boole   taught us that NO, things can be seen as relatively simple; any values can be pared down to yes or no, true or false, or 0 or 1 (which, here at Google, is our personal favorite). In 1849, Boole was appointed as the first Professor of Mathematics at   University College Cork , where he pioneered developments in logic and mathematics. His beautiful binary “Boolean” system was detailed in   An Investigation of the Laws of Thought   in 1854, which inevitably enabled revolutionary thinking in not just logic and math, but also engineering and computer science. As one of the most important scientists to have ever worked in Ireland, Boole effectively laid the foundations of the entire Information Age while working from UCC. So it’s fair to say that without George Boole, there’d be no Goog

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s 67th Birthday

Imagine an entire genre of music, rooted in antiquity, that lies hidden to most of the world. Its traditions stretch back 700 years, yet few know it exists. Its beautiful melodies dip and soar. But no one is around to listen. Such was the state of   Qawwali   in a not-so-distant past. Then came Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, who opened the world’s ears to the rich, hypnotic sounds of the Sufis. Born to a musical family, Khan brought Qawwali from modest origins to international attention. He collaborated with, and influenced, countless musicians. And his endurance was astounding; some performances could last as long as ten hours! Thanks to his legendary voice, Khan helped bring “world music” to the world. To celebrate his 67th birthday, let’s just   listen . Ref :

Evidence of water found on Mars

  Today’s news stirred us like a long, cool drink in the blistering heat. Science has gestured at the presence of water on Mars before, but evidence of   liquid   water--briny, creeping flows that appear in a crater during Martian summers--has tremendous implications in the search for life beyond our planet. We felt compelled to honor such an exciting discovery with a Doodle, and staring at   satellite images of Mars  for inspiration made Doodler Nate Swinehart really, really thirsty. Ref :

Bringing the Internet to more Indians – starting with 10 million rail passengers a day

इस पोस्ट को हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए नीचे स्क्रॉल करें When I was a student, I relished the day-long railway journey I would make from Chennai Central station (then known as Madras Central) to IIT Kharagpur . I vividly remember the frenetic energy at the various stations along the way and marveled at the incredible scale and scope of Indian Railways . Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Googleplex today I’m very proud to announce that it’s the train stations of India that are going to help get millions of people online. In the past year, 100 million people in India started using the Internet for the first time. This means there are now more Internet users in India than in every country in the world aside from China. But what's really astounding is the fact that there are still nearly one billion people in India who aren’t online. We’d like to help get these next billion Indians online—so they can access the entire web, and all of its information and opportunit

Ganesh Chaturthi - Google Doodle by Gate6


M.F. Husain’s 100th Birthday

Today's Doodle celebrates the 100th birthday of one of India's most renowned and multifaceted artists,   M.F. Husain , who passed away June 9th, 2011, at the age of 95.  Maqbool Fida Husain, commonly known as M.F. Husain, has been called "The Picasso of India.” This was partly due to his modernist, slightly cubist paintings and to the sheer volume of work he produced. His middle name, Fida, can be translated as “obsessed” or “devoted,” which could also describe his approach to   making art .  Husain’s first love was cinema and he originally set out to become a film director in Bombay. But in order to make a living, he got a job painting film billboards and making toys. Painting soon became his passion, and inspired by the changes in India in the late 1940s, he helped found The Progressive Artists Group of Bombay (PAG). He and his fellow artists attempted to address Indian themes, culture and people in a modern way and bring Indian art to an international audience.

Google Doodle wishes India “Happy Teacher’s Day”

Today’s Google Doodle celebrates Teachers Day in India. Doodler Olivia Huynh has captured the relationship between an eager student and the teacher through a series of math puzzles. Referring to a quote by Confucius, Google adds, “A true teacher is one who, keeping the past alive, is also able to understand the present.” It further adds, “Teachers are our mentors, friends, and catalysts. They’re the wild, eager sparks that can, with a word, set our passions ablaze. Not quite parents, they nevertheless raise us to be the very best versions of ourselves. And their impressions last lifetimes, as the lessons we’ve learned are passed down to others, like inheritances of wisdom. Today, let’s celebrate teachers, one of the noblest and most selfless of callings, all across India.” Google also added an early sketch and animation of the Doodle. Seems like Google just used the earlier serif version of the older Google logo instead of the  new Google logo  it unveiled a few days ago.

Google’s look, evolved

Google has changed a lot over the past 17 years—from the range of our products to the evolution of their look and feel. And today we’re changing things up once again: So why are we doing this now? Once upon a time, Google was one destination that you reached from one device: a desktop PC. These days, people interact with Google products across many different platforms, apps and devices—sometimes all in a single day. You expect Google to help you whenever and wherever you need it, whether it’s on your mobile phone, TV, watch, the dashboard in your car, and yes, even a desktop! Today we’re introducing a new logo and identity family that reflects this reality and shows you when the Google magic is working for you, even on the tiniest screens. As you’ll see, we’ve taken the Google logo and branding, which were originally built for a single desktop browser page, and updated them for a world of seamless computing across an endless number of devices and different kinds of inputs (such as tap